8 Mar: Daily Word

clamber (verb)

Definition: to climb up, across or into somewhere with difficulty, using the hands and the feet

Example sentence:

Ms Lee clambered into bed after a hard day’s work.

7 Mar: Daily Word

Image credit: teacherlibrarian.ning.com

Image credit: teacherlibrarian.ning.com

belligerent (adjective)

Definition: wishing to fight or argue

Example sentence:

He became belligerent when confronted by his teachers.

6 Mar: Daily Word

Image credit: my.opera.com

Image credit: my.opera.com

tumultuous (adjective)

Definition: very loud, or full of confusion, change or uncertainty

Example sentence:

The returning athletes were given a tumultuous welcome.

5 Mar: Daily Word

Image credit: wordpandit.com

Image credit: wordpandit.com

undermine (verb)

Definition: to make someone less confident, less powerful or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually

Example sentence:

Criticism just undermines their confidence.

4 Mar: Daily Word

Image credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Image credit: commons.wikimedia.org

contemplate (verb)

Definition:to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way

Example sentence:

You’re not contemplating a change of school, are you?

1 Mar: Daily Word

Image credit: myhareraisingbunnytales.blogspot.com

Image credit: myhareraisingbunnytales.blogspot.com

fathom (verb)

Definition: to discover the meaning of something or to understand someone

Example sentence:

I cannot fathom why he would not talk to me.

28 Feb: Daily Word

Image credit: englishdictionaryfree.com

Image credit: englishdictionaryfree.com

fastidious (adjective)

Definition: giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect

Example sentence:

He is too fastidious about keeping the house clean.

27 Feb: Daily Word

Image credit: imgur.com

Image credit: imgur.com

aptly (adverb)

Definition: suitable or right for a particular situation

Example sentence:

He was a student leader, constantly inspiring his schoolmates, friends and family and has aptly been described as a true Patrician.

26 Feb: Daily Word

Image credit: takshzilabeta.com

Image credit: takshzilabeta.com

bicker (verb)

Definition: to argue about things which are not important

Example sentence:

They are always bickering with each other about/over their personal problems.

25 Feb: Daily Word

Image credit: dodgydewfish.tripod.com

Image credit: dodgydewfish.tripod.com

prevalent (adjective)

Definition: existing very commonly or happening often

Example sentence:

It was found that bullying is prevalent in schools these days.

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